Monday, May 7, 2012


Hi everyone!  Donna Salazar is having a HUGE GIVEAWAY!!  

Below is a message from Donna with all the details...

Heylow my cyber peeps! As promised... here are the deets for the superdy duper ginormous giveaway that we mentioned on the NSD Webshow... First here is a picture of all the goodness that we are giving away:


Wowie Pazowie!!! That is a LOT of stuff!!! 

So... if you want to be entered into the drawing to get this Motherload of prizes, here is what ya gotta do:

1) Like the DonnaSalazarDesigns Facebook page (if you haven't already)

2) Share the DonnaSalazarDesigns Facebook page (share again if you've already shared it)

3)Like the Distrezz-it-All Facebook page (if you haven't already)

4)Share the Distrezz-it-All Facebook page (share again if you've already shared it)

5) Come back to this blog and add your name and e-mail to the inlinks for this post

The winner will be chosen via RandomOrg and will be announced during the Tuesday Tutorials show on May 15th @ 7:00 PM Pacific Time (you don't need to attend the webshow to win)

And... In case you haven't heard about my BIG event that I'm doing in June... here is some info:

30in30 copy

I'll be launching a new mini e-Class on the Girlie Grunge site EVERYDAY in June. Each e-Class will cost ONLY $5... OR you can sign up for the "Mega-Class" and instead of all 30 classes costing you $150, you will only pay $100!

To sign up for the "Mega-Class" CLICK HERE

Links to the sign up pages for individual classes are on the Girlie Grunge site HERE: the individual classes will be loaded daily in May.

What you get for your $5:

  1. 12 months access to the e-Class 
  2. A Supplies list approximately 30 days before the class starts
  3. Classroom Comment Section to ask questions (or you can e-mail me)
  4. A detailed downloadable instructional PDF (after class starts)
  5. A narrated presentation video OR a technique video (after class starts)
  6. The love and friendship of Donna Salazar
  7. Lots of ooohs and aaaaahs when you upload your projects to the Girlie Grunge Gallery
Here are some of my FAVES:
Artsy Layout Background (left)    Homemade Crackle Background (right)
DSCN1906  DSCN1899
Girlie Grunge Wallhanging
Sneak peeks of several more e-Classes
Good luck in the GINORMOUS GIVEAWAY and I hope to see you over on the Girlie Grunge site!
Thanks for stopping by! Smooches ~D~

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